Sunday, July 12, 2009

Short Intention

Haven't really posted much these days. Seems like my life is void my creativity is shot. And my feeling haven't been worth the thought. So i've been thinking lately what the hell is the purpose of this life. My only conclusion is to live it to the fullest... really. I can't express how fucking necessary it is to do what the fuck you may please. [s'cuse the french.] I'd say i'm a non conformist. I don't really care if my pictures are over the top, or my native tongue isn't perfect. The simple fact that God (or some higher power), gives me the strength every morning for an opportunity has always been enough. The most important thing to accept is that no matter how alone you feel, how painful it may be, with the help of those around you, you'll get through this too. And if you're alone... fuck it you're alone. But don't ever for one second feel bad for yourself. At some point in your life that stupid decsion you made was yours and that is the only thing that should matter. (© copyright 2005)all rights reserved


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