Saturday, April 25, 2009


Tonight is the first dance i've danced, since you've been gone Tio. Tonight is the first night i've laughed and cried since you've been gone. It didn't hurt me to laugh knowing that you're gone. I danced for you, but i saved our song because i couldn't give it to anyone else. Tio Eddie taught me some steps that you didn't teach me yet and i wish you were there to see me. I know it's kinda hard watching from above but if you could've just been there, you would've been proud. I was turning and hooping and twisting for you. All mami said was "There goes Tio Ralphy." I find it silly that i'm actually having a conversation by myself to you ; no one reads this thing anyway. I miss you. Mami, tio, and me.... we all danced and played for you tonight. No matter the circumstances you always knew how to have a good time. I don't think anyone really knows how i feel since you've passed, but i'm hurting very much. I cry because i want to speak to you, but i know if you were here you would be dissappointed in the choices i'm making. I'm gonna be better in time. (© copyright 2005)all rights reserved


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda this was a nice note to Ralph, i'm sure he is smiling at you from above. Tita D

Wednesday, November 04, 2009 12:09:00 PM  

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