Wednesday, June 17, 2009

All those pretty memories

Since.... No one has ever quite loved me the way i wanted to. I settle for less, when i deserve the best. I compromise when i deserved to be honored. No one has loved me the same. I smile because i have to, because it is my god given right to bear. No one ever knows, i don't want anyone to know. The pain, the sorrow, the embarrasment, and shame i have done for myself. No has quite loved me the same since. You see i've realized once you lower yourself everyone elses way of looking at you lowers as well. You become unworty, unfortunate, you disappear. No matter how much you try and convince someone you're happy the person that loves you the most sees right through you. All i wanted was to be first, to be loved my all... how stupid. No way in hell will you ever be loved by all, it's my obligation to love me first. If you are in my life don't leave me, to rot in my own stupidity.No one has loved me quite the same. I am weak, i am selfless, i am least likely to survive. But through out it all from here to the moon i promised to hold my composure. To pick myself up, and live. I just can't seem to do it now. I've lost a part of me... my joy. The best thing i provide for people is my joy but i can't seem to provide it for myself. Nothing is set in stone. see you later. forget me not. (© copyright 2005)all rights reserved
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