Friday, December 19, 2008

food for thought

I have no idea what i will do with my life. What is to become of me. At this point of my life i can only hope for the best but prepare myself for the worst. When you think you've got the best on your side you realize the best is a dollar in your pocket. We live life hanging on to those "incredible" words we all love to here. "You're the best," "You're beautiful," "you're smart," etc. If you do not ultimately believe it for yourself those words are the most insignificant. They always say we are our worst critic. I believe its true, we will... well most will never see the favorable details we have. If we don't like what we see in the mirror and we do not live up to other peoples expectations... we're as good as nothing so we think. I sometimes wonder what good is a mirror if we will always see ourselves in other peoples eyes. (© copyright 2005)all rights reserved

Monday, December 08, 2008


I have learned a great deal throughout my life. You shouldn't waste your time asking why such an amazing thing could happen to you, just let it happen. Never doubt that you could be loved, just let yourself be loved. If it doesn't seem to work at the time it'll come someday if it's true.If you don't believe you're worth of anyone's time,then you won't be. Although it's always been hard to do, take yourself seriously and others will too. "Why" is a wasteful question. Why? Cause i guess that's the way it's supposed to be. That's the only answer you can have. Accept it (© copyright 2005)all rights reserved
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