Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Lie Has Short Legs

A lie has short legs. It can only go but so far. Lies of love and commitment can really leave a scar. I should have seen it coming, I should have known what to do, To know the words you said to her, Were the precious, I love you. Well of course I could lie In a whispered voice say "I'm fine" But it's not like it hasn't crossed our minds That maybe we're not alright this time. What good are smiles when they're fake? Stuck plastered to faces by the glue of mistake And get us out we're ready to break This nightmare continues- We're awake. Eyes wide with terror- we're not okay Blinded by darkness that swallowed today And we had hope until the skies turned gray Our jaws clenched tight, words forgot what to say (© copyright 2005)all rights reserved


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