Thursday, June 01, 2006

The NoteBook

The notebook full of drawings, The notebook full of pain, The notebook full of life, The notebook full of blame. This notebook holds her feelings, It allows her emotions to be free, Although the sketches speak volumes, They may be meaningless to thee. The sketches capture moments, Of times when she was sad, They show her history, Of all emotions she once had. This notebook is her bible, Which never leaves her side, The pages show old age, And all the colors that she cried. Each page records a memory, Which will never be destroyed, She draws when she is happy, When she's sad or she's annoyed. She is an unknown artist, One day you may pass her by, She hides her artistic abilities, And you may wonder why? She does not want to be consumed, By a world of hatred and deceit, She does not want to be popular She does not want to compete. The notebook will remain hidden, From the world, you and me. She is a smart and secret artist, And that is why she will be known as she. (© copyright 2005)all rights reserved
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