Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You That Feeling...

You know that feeling, when you look into their eyes, and you know their the one for you, that they truly care and would do anything to protect you, and they want to give you the world, You know that feeling,when you see them laugh, and you know they enjoy being with you, that they truly want to spend their time with you, and they want to hang on to every word you say, You know that feeling, when your in the arms of that one special person, and you feel so safe, that they want you their to protect you, and they want to keep you there forever, You know that feeling,when you watch them from afar, and you smile at every little thing they do, that they know your watching but don't let it show, and they want to make you smile. If you know these feelings then you have found that one special person for you.So don't ever let them go. (© copyright 2005)all rights reserved


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if you care but I really first of all loved your background music and second I really needed to read some of your peoms/ideas cuz they are true!!

Monday, April 24, 2006 12:43:00 PM  

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