Sunday, July 10, 2005

Shoot For the moon even if you miss you'll still land among the starz

TO My Dear Graduates Of 2005 I know this was only Jr. High and it doesn't seem like a big deal. But it's a hell of a deal. We are freshmen of highschool this is a huge beginning. There's not Ms. Gonzalez to run to everytime you wanna get outta class. Our when you're hungry you can't just waltz into the office getting pretzel(ma gurlz know what i'm talking bout.) Focus all you can and keep yourself busy cuz if not you're gonna fall into da wrong crowd. Please try your best to love life i know from expreience. Just think, life could be worst. But to make a long story short, Congradulations and you made it this far why not keep up the goos work. *To ma special peoplez please stay in touch i love ya guys Steph, ALicia,Giddy,Steven, Camille,...... (copyright 2005 )


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