Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Don't Give Up

When you feel like giving up when you feel you don't belong just ask your self why you held on? Why did you stay? Why did you think. Life is not want you want it is not served to you in a platter. Nor is it given for free. If you want something you earn it, you go for it. A determined person doesn't wait for the oppertunity they attack it. you need to know that even though your world stops, everyone else keeps on going People will cry for you but then eventually they will stop. Fighting doesn't decide who wins it just determines who's left. You have to face to world even if you don't want to. It's sometimes like a patio door you never know which side is open until you walk into it. So never give shoot for the moon even if you miss you'll land among the stars. (copyright 2005 )


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