Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I will remain strong

Dear person whom I cannot recite your name, For every time I hear it, it only causes pain. I just want you to know that I no longer cry,Over you anymore, instead I'm flying high. Although I still have deep feelings for you, Deep down I know your feelings weren’t true. What helps me through the day are my friends, People who are there, throughout the very end. I will no longer cry my heart out over you, Why cry for someone who won’t cry over you? What disappoints me the most is your true arrogance, Instead you cast your mind with lies and ignorance. How could you possibly think it’s alright? To pretend I don’t exist after you left me that night. It rushed from an empty gesture of hello, To a smile you'd represent to a stranger you don’t know. The time you left me couldn’t have been more worse, Through exam stress, it was a truly hurtful curse. Day after day, with no support around me, I was left alone to shed stinging tears of self deceit. I even thought that you might want me back someday, I was wrong; you never did want me in that way. I was a game, a challenge for you to proceed, You succeeded in taking what meant the very most to me.I may have lost you who isn't worthy of my trust, Countless times of pain forsaking lies; left in disgust. But it is you who I feel genuine sympathy for;You gave up on fate; cowardly leaving it like I did before. I can't wait; waiting for you is like summer with snow, Impossible and disappointing nothing will ever grow. To this day, I’ve kept my feelings for you down at heart, Cause you can't 'handle' a girls true feelings; it'll tear you 'apart'. Now I’m not saying you aren’t a nice guy cause you are, But when it comes to commitment... you're the fool from afar. The pain is still as real, as when you left me on my own, But I’ve learnt to not to care or wish about the unknown, But to seek for the positive in this life that I hold so well, Maybe not now, or even soon, but I’ll be strong as I can tell. :) (copyright 2005 )


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