Tuesday, July 12, 2005

My Mom and My Best Friend

I never stop to realize my mother is my best friend she is the one that was there that minute and was there to the very end. I never knew the one that raised me could advice me on some boys the one that had to clean up my vomit and my toys. Mom I love you dearly I just don't know how to say that you in my life has gave me the life today. You care about me so much and I seem to push away, but when the times I needed you the most I couldn't doubt you wouldn't have stayed. abandonment is out of your question, Abuse is out of your reach you love is what's unconditional and security is what you seek. At times I don't listen majority it's for my own good that's because I'm naive and took advantage of everything I could. You are the core of my heart the one that keeps it beating everyday no a boy that's in a stupid love poem because in time they'll go away. But you are forever, the one that is guarenteed to be there when i reach out will need you rush at my care. So thank you mom again for being my mom and friend because you are forever and that is till the end. (copyright 2005 )


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