Friday, June 03, 2005

Wrong Turn

Sometimes someone may pass through our life, And bring either joy or grief. Sometimes they seem so trustworthy, We don't look close enough to see what's really beneath. We will believe everything they say.. Even when it's too good to be true. And everytime they say.."please believe me" The only one left hurting will be you. Some people have the ability, To barge right into your heart. Then turn away and just leave you there.. Not caring if they've ripped you apart. After all the love they proclaim.. To only realize it never was real. But, it's too late, you've given your heart And they could care less how you feel. Feeling like a fool, with a broken heart. From someone not worth the time. It's hard to believe that just one person, Could place so much hurt for you to find. Guard your heart, and guard it well. Be careful who you give it to. Because all it takes is one wrong turn.. And the only one left hurting, will be you.(copyright 2005 )


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