Monday, April 25, 2005

Love Is More Than A Word

"Love is just a word not a feeling"-Stephanie Are you sure it's just a word. It may seem that way because when it's said it's not defined by that person. But remember Love is 4 letters so is pain, so is lies, and so is beat. Pain is a feeling of hurt of dread. A feeling that also is experienced by love. Lies is what is told about the word love but is never truly define as a feeling more as an advantage. Really there is no definition of love, love defines the feeling of a person. It depends on the way you define it. Love is not just a word it is an expression towards life, friendship, relationship, and object. I love you, you love me why because that's the way we feel. Now Stephanie do you think Love is Just a word? Or does it have a more logical explanation?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

love is just a word not a feeling. even though we say i love you it could mean something deeper but its hard to love when its full of deciet and lies so as i say in my blog "i love you is 8 letters so is bullshyt" i think when i love you comes from the person you want to hear it the most from they dont mean it or they could mean it but it always ends wrong but when its best friends like me and you its a different story

Thursday, May 05, 2005 8:41:00 PM  

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