Friday, December 03, 2004


Thank You for always being there to listen and understand I appreciate all you did for me for being a good friend. thank for making me feel whole again for putting back my pieces back together Thank You for telling me we'll be bets friends forever You never crticized me you just helped me through I knew when I turned to a friend that friend will always be you. I knew I could come to you when I ws down cause I knew you'd always be there to pick me up and say everything would be okay. When I look at your eyes, I see your true self I see you're sweet and caring. I see you're giving and forgiving I see you love me. When I see your eyes I stop myself from crying when I'm alone I think about your eyes and cry. I cry because I can't stop thinking when one day those giving and forgiving eyes will one day close. Then I'll never see those eyes again. That I'll never see the love and sweetness or the love that makes you who you are. One day you'll be gone, gone from me, gone from this world. No matter what happens those eyes will one day close and rest in peace But you'll never be completely gone because your love forever will remain inside of me.


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