Friday, December 03, 2004

Simple Cure

As I sit alone in my room I look in the mirror thinking what to do. I see the sharpness glaring in my eye then I look down and start to cry. I grab my cure straight to my arm cutting and cutting but not to far. I see the blood dripping relief I cover it up so no one would see. The next pain I feel I grab my cure having this feeling of being so sure. Then I realize I went to far knowing this would leave a really bad scar. I hear my mom scream "somebody help she's only thirteen doctors cops please, please, please." "Mommy why are you crying, I'm hear I'm fine what's happening did somebody die." I hear a noise that sounds like death everything chaos everything is a mess. It can't end this way I have so many dreams Somebody help me I'm only thirteen. It's too late just one simple mistake this would be a life you're risking to to take. So before you take that simple cure stop and think are you so sure.


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