Monday, January 24, 2005

Just a little flirting

Just a little flirting what harm can it do. It makes me get attention it gets me closer to you. Just a little flirting what harm am I doing wrong I'm have a good time I'm just going along. Just a little flirting led me into this place led me into a whole new world, a world of disgrace. Just a little flirting I didn't mean to cause no harm a little flirting seemed like my perfect charm. I've done and regretted so many things but I just want to fly with my new found wings. I now realize something I never knew before but I just kept flirting...more and more. Some of the flirting was taken the wrong way and the thoughts of my friends, were to harmful to say I never knew it had any affect and that all my flirting would lose some self-respect.


Blogger No Longer a User of Blogger said...

i dont understand y u think flirting is getting u to a world 2 disgrace or to loose selfrespect but i kno for a fact its not that an u kno that look inside and find out wat it is cuz its not flirting trust me its not

Sunday, February 06, 2005 9:03:00 PM  

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